Allergy test
Put an end to your chronic sneezing
If you are a person who suddenly has episodes where you can't stop sneezing, or you notice that your eyes turn red and watery for no reason, it is probably because you are allergic and you don't know it yet. At least 10 million people live with allergies on a daily basis, the most common being related to dust, mites, animals and food.
Allergy test
Price: 270.00€
Price with discount: 230,00€
Service Description:
This test analyzes the existence of specific IgE antibodies against 112 allergenic proteins present in over 48 different allergens. It simultaneously detects allergic reactions to plants, foods, animals, insects, molds, and synthetic products. | |
Receive a report that will indicate your body's response to external entities such as pollen, mites, dust, pets and much more. | |
Results are available within 7 business days from the receipt of the sample in the laboratory. | |
It is conducted through a blood sample. It is necessary to arrive at the appointment after fasting for 4 hours and without antihistamine treatment (e.g. corticosteroids) during the 15 days prior. |
Rod Paley
Graeme McKenzie
Daniel Crigan
Our partner labs, nationally and internationally certified
We put at your disposal more than 150 extraction points, the largest network in Spain.
Why take this test?
Determining the cause of your allergy will give you quality of life. In this way you will be able to know to what extent it affects your health, and resort to medical treatment if necessary.
Allergies to pets, or to entities such as dust and mites, are easily confused with other types of diseases. Avoid being under an incorrect medical diagnosis, and get the tools that allow you to have your health under control.
What does the result tell me?
The allergy test analyzes your body's immunity against the following external entities:
- Pollen
- Animals
- Mold
- Mites
- Dust
- insects
How is this test performed?
Doing this test is very simple:
- You buy your voucher at medmesafe on a discount.
- You attend the laboratory of your choice during opening hours.
- A blood sample will be taken from you. It is necessary to arrive at the appointment after fasting for 4 hours and without antihistamine treatment (e.g. corticosteroids) during the 15 days prior to the day of the sample collection.
- You will be able to download your results 7 business days later from your private space on medmesafe.
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How the test works
Purchase your service online with a discount to get a voucher.
Go to an extraction centre with your voucher.
One of our partner labs makes the analysis.
You receive the results by email.
You can help by sharing this information with your contacts or doctor