Last Friday, June 24, the news went around the world that the Supreme Court of the United States reversed Roe vs. Wade, a set of rules that protected women and gave them decision-making rights on the issue of abortion. From then on, the door was left open for the advancement of processes that make the procedure illegal, regulate it and in any way deprive families of access to an essential public health procedure.
Naturally, it was an event that aroused a lot of uncertainty and empathy in a certain way. Searches on the terms in which abortion is allowed in different countries have skyrocketed and we thought it appropriate to investigate and share it, together with the tools we have so you can control your pregnancy and other resources.
At medmesafe, we believe that a desired pregnancy is a wonderful stage, which must be enjoyed to the fullest and lived with a smile, as we tell you in “Will my baby be healthy?”. Thinking precisely about how a stage like that should be carried out voluntarily, we have no doubt that it should be a decision solely in the hands of the pregnant woman.
In this article we tell you:
- Abortion is Legal in Spain: how, when and why
- Being able to decide is being able to live
Abortion is Legal in Spain: how, when and why
Since 2010, the practice of abortion is legal throughout the Spanish territory, without explanation, reasoning or coercion.
Organic Law 2/2010 came into force in July 12 years ago to relax the conditions that existed since 1985 and allowed abortions within specific parameters. Today, women can decide whether to abort within the first 14 weeks of pregnancy, a period that is extended to 22 weeks if it is determined that continuing it represents a risk to the life of the mother or the fetus, usually awarded to abnormalities with which the fetus can develop during gestation.
In relation to this feature, at medmesafe we have medically reliable and certified options so that you have the information you deserve and can exercise your right at a discounted price:
You can get more information about each test in our dedicated posts on our blog.
Being able to decide is being able to live: data on lives saved thanks to a legal abortion
The following facts were extracted from the official website of Amnesty International Spain:
The legal option to have an abortion protects the lives of all women: when it is not possible for them to access care on a regular basis, unsafe abortions are carried out in incapacitated environments, the third leading cause of maternal deaths in the world.
It is synonymous with a good and ethical health service: health professionals must be free to attend and provide care to everyone who requires it, regardless of reasoning or the intervention of uninformed laws. Aborting is a clinical procedure like any other.
Not providing the service is discrimination: According to the Treaty on the Rights of Women, an initiative of the United Nations Organization (UN), it is psychologically verified that restricting the right to abortion causes the same stress in the psyche that comes from any type of social exclusion.
Both in the first instance and ultimately, the decision is up to you and we are here to serve you in whatever way we can so that you can decide with support and information, that is why our tests also give you access to a consultation with a specialized geneticist to explain the results that these throw, without additional cost.
ibrahim vicuna
Marketing Manager medmeafe Graduated from Audiovisual Communication from the Andrés Bello Catholic University in Venezuela, the #1 in Latin America. Experience and expertise in professional research for the creation of academic and scientific content. Digital content manager, specializing in Investigative Journalism and Communication Trends 2.0