
How to do my PCR test in Spain? Deadlines, price, refund?

The following post is useful for French citizens and residents.

At medmesafe, we provide your PCR test, with results in a maximum of 48 hours, 100% guaranteed. The certificate accomplishes all the requirements to travel to any destination. We also send you your invoice so you can request your refund in France. Click here for more information

Currently, all persons wishing to enter French territory must submit an RT-PCR test less than 72 hours after it has been carried out. This is a preventive measure to stop the expansion of Covid-19 or coronavirus. Many of our French users have doubts about: prices, deadlines, how to request a refund for the test in France. So we have prepared this post to clarify some of your respective doubts.

Is the PCR test covered in Spain?

In theory, the Spanish public health system can cover your test only if you have strong symptoms or if you are in contact with a Covid-19 positive person. However, your CRP test will not be covered or paid for by Spanish social security if it is done for travel. In this case, you will have to pay the price of the test to be able to do it.

How much does a PCR test cost in Spain?

The prices of the PCR test in Spain vary according to the laboratory, the region where it is performed, and especially the speed of obtaining the results. They range from a minimum of € 100 and can reach up to € 300 if you want the results in an hour.

Due to saturation, most laboratories:

  • Request an appointment to collect the sample, however, it is often difficult to contact them.
  • They do not commit to a specific delivery time for results.

That is why at medmesafe we ​​understand the need to feel supported in these times of stress and uncertainty, we support you throughout the process by phone, WhatsApp, or email:

  • We guarantee your appointment at all the extraction points that you will find on our website.
  • Delivery of results within 24 to 48 hours, from the taking of the sample, we work on continuous days so it is also estimated on weekends.

The price of a PCR testing service through medmesafe is € 69(see details here). It includes:

  • Management of your appointment
  • Certificate in English or Spanish
  • Valid to travel to any international destination
  • Assistance by WhatsApp, phone, and email
  • The delivery of results by an accredited laboratory within the agreed deadlines on weekdays and weekends (Saturday and Sunday).

For more information:

Can I get a refund for the PCR test that I performed in Spain, once back in France?

In Spain this is not the case, from what we explained above, even so, it is possible to obtain a refund of € 60 upon your return to France. To do this, you must send the following duly completed statement to your Health Insurance Center and attach the required supporting documents.

Our customer service will provide you with an invoice to attach to your file so that you can request a lump sum refund of € 60 and we invite you to contact your mutual to ask if it also covers part of the expenses incurred.

We draw your attention to the fact that the situation may change and that it is best to contact the different official bodies such as the French Embassy in Spain, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the Medical Insurance.

French traveling in Europe is also strongly advised to apply for the European Health Insurance Card (TSE). This card allows Spain not to advance the costs related to a medical emergency within the framework of a course of treatment within the Spanish social security. More information:

We wish you a pleasant trip to Spain and we are at your entire disposal through this form.


French Embassy in Spain:
Official website of the French administration:

PRESENT: + 20 years in complex legal and IT projects in France, the UK and Spain Expert in BioExpert exclusive network of experts in the sectors of life science and investment. Startups coordinator of ANIS (Spanish Association of Health Journalists) Lider ehealth in Asociación Española de Start up Active member of ASEBIO (Leading Spanish Biotech Association) PAST: Sociedad Española Informática de la Salud MBA in Ecole Des Mines – Nantes Master Degree in Ipag Business School in Paris