
What is lactose? It is a type of sugar found in milk and its derivatives, that is, products such as butter, cream, yogurt, etc. To digest this type of sugar, the body needs to generate an enzyme called “Lactase”, which is produced naturally until approximately 5 years of age.


From this age on, lactose ceases to be an essential food for our development. In fact, most adults have lactose intolerance, which, although it is not a lethal disease, can cause discomfort to the person. This is solved by avoiding consuming foods that contain lactase.



PRESENT: + 20 years in complex legal and IT projects in France, the UK and Spain Expert in BioExpert exclusive network of experts in the sectors of life science and investment. Startups coordinator of ANIS (Spanish Association of Health Journalists) Lider ehealth in Asociación Española de Start up Active member of ASEBIO (Leading Spanish Biotech Association) PAST: Sociedad Española Informática de la Salud MBA in Ecole Des Mines – Nantes Master Degree in Ipag Business School in Paris