Migraine and what you need to fight it!

Migraine and what you need to fight it – We know it and we have fought it through time. Acute headache affects a very large number of people, one in seven to be exact. You can extend this information and many others in our article “Most common causes of migraine”, where we focus on the reasons why you may suffer from it.

In this post, in addition to touching on that, we want to expand all the information points about migraine: what it is, how it feels, what problems it can bring and, as always: how you can fight it.

Credit: Adrian Swancan for Unsplash

What is migraine?

Migraine, headache or migraine is throbbing pain in the head, localized or general. Women are three times more likely to suffer from them and all people with a family history of suffering from them and it is usually a symptom of other diseases such as depression, anxiety, epilepsy or bipolar disorder.

When a migraine is triggered in the brain, an electrical charge called Cortical Propagated Depression is produced, which influences the normal activity of the brain. Depending on the area in which it occurs, migraine can be accompanied by effects on vision, touch, memory and speech


  1. Headache lasting more than 4 hours
  2. Difficulty carrying out daily activities
  3. Nausea
  4. vomiting
  5. Light and noise nuisance



Long-term effects on the brain: Over time, migraines can leave lesions in the brain and affect the volume of its waves, increasing the chances of a heart attack, in cases up to 68%. The effect of migraines also affects brain tissues and predisposes the body to suffer from hypertension.

During pregnancy: it has been proven that the medications that treat migraine are harmful to the placenta where the fetuses develop, leading to malformations. Despite that, migraines by themselves are not a cause for concern, but as a symptom of greater risks such as brain hemorrhage, meningitis, blood pressure or tumors.


Habits and alternatives to fight it

  • It is important to maintain a healthy sleep rhythm and that it is not less than 7 or 8 hours of sleep.
  • Speaking of schedules, it is recommended to establish fixed times for each meal
  • Women should make sure that their hormonal status is in order, because if it is not, that can be a cause of migraines.
  • A stable flow of nutrients helps a lot to avoid migraines and to achieve this it is vital to stay well hydrated.
  • Exercise and physical activity as an antioxidant and booster of the cardiovascular system, help reduce the risk of migraine
  • Any activity that is relaxing such as yoga, meditation and those that are considered anti-stress, are very beneficial to avoid suffering from migraines.


The migraine test

medmesafe is pleased to announce that the Migraine Test is officially available to everyone, especially those who need to find out the cause of one of the most disabling conditions. It is performed through a simple and painless blood sample and detailed results are obtained 10 business days later.







Marketing Manager medmeafe Graduated from Audiovisual Communication from the Andrés Bello Catholic University in Venezuela, the #1 in Latin America. Experience and expertise in professional research for the creation of academic and scientific content. Digital content manager, specializing in Investigative Journalism and Communication Trends 2.0