test de fertilidad femenina

The importance of female fertility testing!

What is a Female Fertility Test?

A female fertility test is a useful tool for evaluating a woman’s reproductive health. These tests measure the amount of hormones in a woman’s body, which can give an idea of ovarian reserve and the likelihood of conception.

How do Female Fertility Tests work?

Female fertility tests measure the amount of hormones in urine or blood. These hormones include luteinizing hormone (LH), estradiol, and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH). These hormones are important for the menstrual cycle and ovulation. By measuring the levels of these hormones, female fertility tests can determine the quality and quantity of the eggs.

When should I perform a Female Fertility Test?famale fertility test

You may want to perform a female fertility test if you have been trying to conceive for more than six months without success. It is also useful for women who want to know more about their reproductive health or who are considering egg freezing.

How are Female Fertility Tests performed?

It is performed in a laboratory.

At Medmesafe, we offer a wide variety of affordable female fertility tests. You can find more information about them at the following link:


What are the benefits of performing a Female Fertility Test?

Performing a female fertility test can help you better understand your reproductive health and your ability to conceive. This can be especially useful if you are considering egg freezing or if you have been trying to conceive unsuccessfully for a prolonged period.

In addition, at Medmesafe, we are always offering promotions and deals for our female fertility tests, so you can get them at even more affordable prices.


If you want more information about our female fertility tests or need guidance to make an informed decision about your reproductive health, do not hesitate to contact us. At MedMeSafe, we are committed to your health and well-being.



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Test de fertilidad femenina: ¿en qué consisten y cuántos tipos hay?

PRESENT: + 20 years in complex legal and IT projects in France, the UK and Spain Expert in BioExpert exclusive network of experts in the sectors of life science and investment. Startups coordinator of ANIS (Spanish Association of Health Journalists) Lider ehealth in Asociación Española de Start up Active member of ASEBIO (Leading Spanish Biotech Association) PAST: Sociedad Española Informática de la Salud MBA in Ecole Des Mines – Nantes Master Degree in Ipag Business School in Paris