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The most common causes of migraine

The most common causes of migraine – Migraine is a very common condition, but that does not prevent you from avoiding it and reducing its frequency. According to Elena Ruiz de la Torre, executive director of the European Migraine and Headache Alliance (EMHA), one in seven people suffer from migraines, especially women.

The age at which it occurs is mainly between 30 and 50 years, the peak of economic, social and family production of most people: the eyes, the neck, the cervical and even all these regions.

There are various causes that cause this and today we want to share them with you, in particular the cause that lies in nutrition and gives rise to food migraine, which is the most common and for which we have an innovative solution: the Migraine Test

In this article we will tell you:

Causes of migraine

food migraine

Foods that cause migraine

Migraine test: at the best price and quality

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Causes of migraine:

  •  age: Begins at age 25 to 55
  • Genetics: can be hereditary
  • Stress: anxiety, tension, shock and inappropriate physical exertion
  • Sleep: not having a good sleep pattern is a migraine trigger
  • Sensory stimuli: very strong lights, smells or sounds
  • Sudden temperature changes


Food migraine


90% of migraine cases are caused by an eating disorder associated with excess histamine in the body. The Migraine Foundation and the Andalusian Society for the Study of Foodborne Diseases point out that 95% of chronic migraines can be resolved with a change in diet.


Histamine-Rich Foods to Avoid


  1. Gluten: Bread, pastries and pasta
  2. Processed meats
  3. sausages
  4. Dairy products
  5. Soy and its derivatives
  6. Eggs
  7. Chocolate
  8. Alcohol
  9. Seafood
  10. Dried fruits


Migraine test


medmesafe is pleased to announce that the migraine test is officially available to everyone, especially those who need to discover the cause of one of the most debilitating conditions. It is performed through a simple and painless blood sample and detailed results are obtained 10 working days later.



Marketing Manager medmeafe Graduated from Audiovisual Communication from the Andrés Bello Catholic University in Venezuela, the #1 in Latin America. Experience and expertise in professional research for the creation of academic and scientific content. Digital content manager, specializing in Investigative Journalism and Communication Trends 2.0