You will be interested to know that there are quite easy things to add to your diet that would bring tremendous changes and benefits. Almost everything you have or has been left in your kitchen pantry, brings with it a lot of nutrients and beneficial components and can also be part of a delicious meal.
To motivate you and accompany you during this adventure for a healthier and longer life, we thought of bringing the work forward. We have chosen to tell you about the invaluable benefits of Turmeric, which is quite a common species and more magnificent than an ordinary food coloring.
When you finish reading this, you will want to go to your trusted supermarket and integrate yellow into your dishes.
Benefits of Turmeric: from cancer to rheumatoid arthritis
Turmeric is from India, and is commonly used to season food and give it a yellow color. But take a look at what consuming it means:
- It is rich in antioxidants, dietary fiber, vitamins C, E and K, niacin, sodium, calcium, potassium, copper, magnesium, iron and zinc, all key elements for the human body.
- Improves the immune system: strengthens the body’s defenses against any threat.
- Improves the digestive system: they highly recommend drinking it as a tea after meals.
- Alleviate the pain
- combat depression
- Prevents cancer: this is more of a popular belief, but it is worth mentioning. On this oncological topic, be sure to review our test for colon cancer and our publications on the matter:
- Fights rheumatoid arthritis: this is a study that Medical News Today published. The anti-inflammatory property of turmeric in the body is promising to prevent arthritis. For that you can also always rely on our Rheumatoid Arthritis Test, which is an autoimmune disease that causes: pain, inflammation, stiffness and loss of joint function. We leave you a special discount voucher with which you can access the analysis paying less than anywhere and act for your health
ibrahim vicuna
Marketing Manager medmeafe Graduated from Audiovisual Communication from the Andrés Bello Catholic University in Venezuela, the #1 in Latin America. Experience and expertise in professional research for the creation of academic and scientific content. Digital content manager, specializing in Investigative Journalism and Communication Trends 2.0