Herpes is a very common and well-known disease. It is feared because its symptoms are very popular and, in many cases, very visible. But what is herpes really, what symptoms appear, how is it spread. We will read all of this in this article.
Types of herpes
There are two types of herpes
- Type1: HSV1 is spread by mouth to mouth and causes cold sores, although it can also cause genital herpes.
- Type2: is an infection caused by having sex without using a condom or some other method to protect yourself.
The hardest thing about dealing with herpes is that there is no cure. The disease accompanies you, for now, for life. With medicine and precautions, you can learn to control the symptoms, but they can always come back.
As if that were not enough, the symptoms reappear or worsen in times of maximum demand (when you are sleeping little, eating poorly, or exerting yourself a lot) and also when you have higher levels of stress than usual.
Normally there are no symptoms, this makes controlling it very difficult and the contagion is uncontrollable. According to the Mayo Clinic, when there are symptoms, it occurs at the site of infection with
- Painful ulcers
- Vesicles
- Swelling
- Fever
- Shaking chills
- Headache
- Fatigue
- Pain
- itching
- Small white blisters
- Scabs
If you have these symptoms, some of them, or you think you may have recently been infected with the bacteria, we invite you to get tested as soon as possible.
As we had informed you, the symptoms can return after a while, when they are about to return you may feel burning or itching in the area where the sores used to appear, which is where they will probably appear again. You will also feel pain in your legs, buttocks and back.
Herpes is very common. Estimates from the World Health Organization indicate that there are more than 3.7 billion people infected with herpes type 1. About type 2, although less common, it is still very popular, almost 500 million people suffer from it and substantially increases the risk of suffering and spread HIV.
It is a disease that affects more women than men. This is because sexual transmission is more efficient from men to women than vice versa.
If you think you may be infected; or else, since you could be completely asymptomatic; We invite you to take the exam right here. As we explained, this disease is incurable, but knowing that you have it, you can learn to live with the symptoms, reduce them with treatments and take care of those around you so as not to transmit this disease to them as well.
With this test you will also know if you suffer from any other of the following diseases: HIV or AIDS, hepatitis B, hepatitis C, syphilis, gonorrhea or chlamydia.
David Peña Neira
SEM specialist at Civitatis. Digital marketing and data analysis expert with experience in planning and implementing digital campaigns and as product manager. Graduated from a Master in Big Data and another in Digital Marketing