Colon cancer prevention test
Detects colon cancer at a very early stage
You can detect colon cancer as simply as doing a blood test. This exam allows you to check your health from time to time, so that in the worst case, you have an early detection of the disease. 90% of patients who detect colorectal cancer in time successfully overcome it.
Colon cancer prevention test
Price: 195.00€
Price with discount: 160,00€
Service Description:
It analyzes the presence of the Septin 9 gene in the patient's plasma. | |
A negative result means that there is no evidence of cancer in the colon (99.9% reliability), and it is recommended that you perform the test every 2-3 years as a preventive measure.A positive result means that there is a tumor pathology present. | |
Results available in 15 business day. | |
The analysis is performance through a blood sample , fasting is not necessary. |
Rod Paley
Graeme McKenzie
Daniel Crigan
Our partner labs, nationally and internationally certified
We put at your disposal more than 150 extraction points, the largest network in Spain.
What is the test for the prevention of colon cancer?
With a focus on cancer prevention, this test aims to detect any early signs of colon cancer. Colon cancer is a serious disease that affects a large number of people. By conducting this test, medical professionals can identify abnormalities and take appropriate preventive measures. Cancer prevention is essential to reduce the risk of developing this disease and ensure a healthy life.
Why take this test?
Colon cancer is the second most seen cancer in Spain, its early prevention guarantees up to a 90% chance of cure. This examination allows a quick and painless way to take the appropriate preventive measures at an early stage of the disease.
What does this test analyze?
Detects the presence of the Septin 9 gene in plasma. Its simple and rapid detection (through a blood test) will allow you to detect colorectal cancer simply and quickly.
How is this test performed?
Doing this test is very simple:
- You buy your voucher at medmesafe on a discount.
- You attend the laboratory of your choice during opening hours.
- The analysis is performed through a blood sample
- You will be able to download your results 15 business days later from your private space on medmesafe.
How the test works
Purchase your service online with a discount to get a voucher.
Go to an extraction centre with your voucher.
One of our partner labs makes the analysis.
You receive the results by email.
You can help by sharing this information with your contacts or doctor