Vaccination test
Know your body's immunity
Vaccines create immunity to certain disease infections. Most are put on when we are very young, this test will allow you to know exactly the levels of protection you have against diseases.
Vaccination test
Price: 70.00€
Price with discount: 57,00€
Service Description:
The test will allow you to know your levels of antibodies, generated by vaccination against these diseases, mumps, measles, rubella, diphtheria, whooping cough, tetanus, chickenpox and herpes zoster. | |
You will be able to know if your vaccination schedule is complete, you need a booster dose or you have never been vaccinated against certain diseases. | |
Results available in 4-5 business days. | |
It’s done through a blood sample, it is not necessary to attend fasting. |
Rod Paley
Graeme McKenzie
Daniel Crigan
Our partner labs, nationally and internationally certified
We put at your disposal more than 150 extraction points, the largest network in Spain.
What is the Vaccination Test?
The Vaccination Test is a crucial evaluation to determine the effectiveness of a vaccine. Through laboratory tests, the immune response of a person after being vaccinated is analyzed, checking for the presence of specific antibodies in their body. These results allow for the evaluation of the acquired protection against a particular disease.
What is this analysis for?
The test to know your vaccination status will let you know if you have been vaccinated against any of these diseases: mumps, measles, rubella, diphtheria, whooping cough, tetanus, chicken pox and shingles.
Who should take this test?
This test is of interest to parents, teachers or adults who share space with minors on a daily basis, as they are the most exposed to catching diseases such as smallpox or rubella.
How the test works
Purchase your service online with a discount to get a voucher.
Go to an extraction centre with your voucher.
One of our partner labs makes the analysis.
You receive the results by email.
You can help by sharing this information with your contacts or doctor