
eHealth and predictive medicine



We define predictive medicine as the field of medicine that makes it possible to predict the probability of suffering from a disease. When the prediction is that you are at high risk for a disease, you have the option of starting to take preventive measures to prevent that disease or trying to reduce the effects.


Predictive genetic analysis is one of the key strategies of predictive medicine, allowing the transition from reactive medicine to proactive medicine, which allows us to prevent diseases and prolong health. Preventive measures often go through health professionals, but sometimes changes in lifestyle can be decisive.


For lifestyle changes to occur, our commitment to health is decisive. And I can’t hold back, the word has already come out: Empowerment.


Those of us who work at inithealth often say that “we dream of a society committed to managing your health”. We are very clear that if we aspire to a healthier society, we need to keep people in a good state of well-being to reduce the risks of disease.


Health is not an objective in itself, it is a resource for everyone’s life. And since it is a resource for oneself, it is very important that each one assume the power of it. Health empowerment is a process by which people gain greater control over decisions and actions that affect their health.


eHealth (term to define the ICTs used in the health environment in terms of prevention, diagnosis, treatment, monitoring and health management) helps in this empowerment for health and makes us closer to 5P Medicine: predictive , preventive, personalized, participatory and population:


Predictive: you have to move from a reactive health model to another more predictive model that will be much more efficient.

Preventive: based on historical data and analysis of patterns, the appearance of diseases can be prevented.

Personalized: specific treatments for specific patients.

Participatory: empowered patients with full rights want to be protagonists and who participate in social networks and patient communities.

Population: if the system is more efficient, we will be able to serve a greater volume of population with the same resources.

Do we dream together and continue building the future?


Social Networks of Juan Carlos Santamaría, Director of Communication and Business Development of Inithealth (Init Group) and Co-founder of Health 2.0 Basque

LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/juancarlossantamariagonzalez

Twitter: @jsantamariaglez

Instagram: @juancarlossantamariagonzalez


Communication Director of Inithealth (Init Group). Co-founder Health 2.0 Basque. Among the top 25 Twitter healthcare tech influencers across Europe (Financial Times) +26K