qué es el IMC

BMI and its impact on your health

Being clear that it is necessary to be attentive to how much we weigh and how we eat, to ensure our well-being, there are data such as the BMI (Body Mass Index) that we need to manage to take control of our health and avoid diseases.

The Muscle Mass Index is the weight of a person in kilograms divided by the square of the height in meters. Throughout today’s content, we want to inform you about its uses and meanings so that you understand yourself better.

BMI Utility

The Body Mass Index is an approach to a diagnosis of the nutritional status of an individual, their classification of obesity and predisposition to other conditions. This is specified with the professional service of an expert in this branch of health. We invite you to read our entry: Nutritionist or dietitian? Which one should you go to?, to better plan that consultation.

For adults 20 years and older, the BMI is interpreted using standard weight status categories. These categories are the same for men and women of all body types and ages.

The following table presents the standard weight level categories associated with the adult BMI ranges: 18.5 is underweight, 18.5 – 24.9 is normal, 25.0 – 29.9 represents overweight, and 30.0 or more indicates obesity.

Consequences of obesity

One of the most important reasons to know the BMI and work on it, is to prevent obesity. Below are the consequences of being obese, listed:

  1. All causes of death (mortality)
  2. Hypertension
  3. Dyslipidemia (High Cholesterol)
  4. Type 2 diabetes
  5. coronary diseases
  6. Stroke
  7. gallbladder disease
  8. Osteoarthritis (breakdown of cartilage and bone within a joint)
  9. Insomnia
  10. Increased oxidative stress
  11. Some cancers (endometrial, breast, colon, kidney, gallbladder, and liver)
  12. low quality of life
  13. Mental illness such as clinical depression, anxiety, and other mental disorders
  14. Bodily pain and difficulty with physical functioning

what the BMI is

A good way to get closer to your BMI, your level of obesity and a better lifestyle, is to know yourself currently within your genetics and its relationship with your nutrition. For that we recommend our Nutrigenetic Test, which can give you a detailed report and is done through a blood sample.


Content Marketing Specialist for websites and social networks +10 years experience in creative writing for different fields AIESEC Alumni Bachelor of Social Communication with specialization in Marketing and Corporate Communications (UCAB)