When you are passionate about playing sports, you constantly think about how your body is going to move, change and strengthen with activity. It motivates you to be healthier, prevent diseases and be in optimal conditions. You want to have the best performance, so your dream is not to be an Olympic athlete, you want to be the best version of you in whatever you do.
Maybe you already knew that your genetics and composition is very decisive to achieve your sports goals. If you want more information, take a look at our post: How does your genetics affect sports? Despite that, there are many changes you can make to cope with your genetics and improve regardless of the circumstances and that’s what we want to talk to you about today.
Alora Griffiths
5 Keys to Improve Your Sports Performance
That you have to eat well, drink water and train is obvious and it is no use repeating it to you. Here are some other ways you can enhance your skill in the sport of your choice.
- Choose the time of your meals based on your exercise routine: you must leave at least 3 hours from your last meal until you exercise and thus your digestion will not intervene in your performance.
- Look for a motivational anchor: this refers to something else, indirect to exercise, that makes you want to go and focus on your routine: it can be another person to train with, albums or podcasts that you would like to listen to while you exercise, etc.
- Set long, medium and short-term goals: with clear, realistic goals that satisfy you, you can work towards seeing those results and getting that extra boost
- Compare training with rest: Rest and activity must be proportional, the muscles need to regenerate, as well as blood and oxygen levels. Intense sport requires 10 to 13 hours and moderate 8.
- Know your genetics: taking a sports genetics test will give you a solid context about what sport to do and how to do it better according to your bodily predisposition and have advantages to succeed in it
The medmesafe Sports Performance Test analyzes your genetic predisposition to play sports. Analyze 43 genetic markers involved in muscle development, endurance capacity and more factors that condition training.
Receive a 100% personalized report, easy to understand, so you can create the sport routine that best suits you. Ideal for anyone who plays sports, from beginners to professionals. Receive your results 25 days after the delivery of your blood sample
ibrahim vicuna
Marketing Manager medmeafe Graduated from Audiovisual Communication from the Andrés Bello Catholic University in Venezuela, the #1 in Latin America. Experience and expertise in professional research for the creation of academic and scientific content. Digital content manager, specializing in Investigative Journalism and Communication Trends 2.0