Punctures in nightclubs. What tests should I do? – So far in 2022, concern about a new form of abuse has risen: reports of punctures in discos, clubs and nightlife venues are increasing in number, especially in Europe. There are more than 2000 cases to date, which have different security forces, alert to this growing scourge.
Although it has not been possible to relate the identified perpetrators to each other or single out one substance that has been used in all or at least most of the cases, what they have in common is that women are victims and that the most serious symptoms related to these attacks have been fainting.
It is a latent threat that grows in frequency but that you can face. If you, a friend, a sister or a cousin are victims of one of these punctures, at medmesafe we want to inform you of the clinical tests that you must undergo to check that such a bitter event does not leave any sequelae.
In this article we tell you:
What is chemical submission?
PPP Protocol
Punctures in nightclubs. What tests should I do?
What is chemical submission?
During the weeks in which the wave of puncture cases has gained media movement, the term chemical submission has emerged. It could be presumed that it refers to the loss of will when exposed to a chemical substance, however, it is not a practice that corresponds to the registered cases.
Health authorities have pointed out that of all reported cases, less than 5% can be defined as chemical assaults. These authorities and figures have been in charge of clarifying that for a chemical submission to be induced, a puncture is not enough. Although there are very fine needles, rather than puncture, the substance would have to be administered for several seconds, making it very unlikely that the victim will be taken by surprise.
In addition to that, the pain it would represent would be noticeable, enough to react immediately. In addition to that, the effects of these substances do not surface all at once, so attackers should be close to their targets. Symptoms of a chemical submission are dizziness, drowsiness, amnesia, and fainting. However, it has been ruled out that in the reports of this wave of punctures, any victim has presented signs other than anxiety or nerves.
The main danger of these events lies in the high probability of disease transmission due to the indiscriminate use of the same syringe and needle in several people.
PPP protocol
An APP Protocol, promoted by the anesthesiologist David Callejo, has gained audience on social networks and digital media, which consists of ordering the immediate steps to follow as soon as a puncture is felt.
Friends, Security Personnel and Police.
The first thing is to notify the people who went with you, who know you and can vouch for you in that situation. With its help you could alert security personnel that all nightlife and entertainment venues must have. Finally, it is necessary to notify the police and report the events in detail.
Punctures in nightclubs. What tests should I do?
Once the critical moment of the puncture has passed, notify the authorities and get on your feet, it is highly recommended that you take a series of tests that are the greatest and most accurate methods of confirming that everything is fine.
General Analysis: Essential, to find out the level of the main values of your body and rule out that the puncture contains any disease that could have altered them.
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Test for Sexually Transmitted Diseases: extremely necessary, since STDs are the easiest thing to spread through the shared use of syringes.
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Anemia Test: the symptoms and the picture after an event of this nature may resemble a low anemic defenses. Find out with this method if this is your case.
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Test for Vitamin Deficiency. It is always necessary to check that your vitamin status is adequate, after a puncture that perhaps finds your values in a non-ideal state.
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ibrahim vicuna
Marketing Manager medmeafe Graduated from Audiovisual Communication from the Andrés Bello Catholic University in Venezuela, the #1 in Latin America. Experience and expertise in professional research for the creation of academic and scientific content. Digital content manager, specializing in Investigative Journalism and Communication Trends 2.0